Welcome to Greenwheel Technology.
Enlightening you about Enterprise Software - Strategy and Tactics
Greenwheel Technology was formed from our associates' many years experience working in large companies and experiencing at first hand the difficuties they have in taking full advantage of so-called Enterprise software, whether business applications, middleware like Web Application Frameworks, or even tools for day-to-day operational management. The problems are indeed complex and difficult, but we believe that many organisations make things worse than they need to be, through inappropriate policy and strategy, and/or over-complex or badly targetted implementation approaches.
Through seminars, managed workshops, and short-term high-impact consultancy engagements we can help enterprises move up a level, and start to gain the benefits they crave from the investments they make in Enterprise Software, whether in-house developed, third-party, or even open source/community.
We have insights, approaches, and solutions of interest to senior business and IT executives who need to understand and own the key issues, as well as a wealth of practical guidance for those tasked with implementation.
Gary Bilkus, the Managing Director, is a technology professional with over 30 years experience in fields ranging from hotel reservations to complex interest rate derivatives and major programme implementations. He has had senior positions or consultancy roles at major firms including global investment banks such as UBS, J.P. Morgan and Deutsche and others such as Reed Elsevier and News International.
To learn more
Please contact us on +44 7472 834914 or send mail to "enquiries [ at ] greenwheel.com"